Matsuya Easy to Cook Porridge becomes ready to eat just by pouring hot water. It has a good texture with rice grains, freshly cooked rice flavor and rich taste.
Its simple cooking method leads shorter time and saves labor for preparation, while a conventional way to cook a porridge from rice itself requires more preparations and maintenances for cooking utensils. Once you identify its proper amount of hot water, anyone can prepare same meal anytime.
The degree of softness of the porridge is adjustable even after cooking. It only requires tap or hot water, and therefore it is also useful as emergency food.
Its flavor and taste increases one’s appetite, leading better intake and digestion. Its ease of chewing does not irritate the digestive system either.
- Short cooking time, decreasing caregiver burden
- Hygienic with no washing and maintenance of cooking utensils required
- Easy to adjust a degree of softness
- Easy to control its quality
- Stimulation of salivation, leading to protect against infection and prevent bad breath

No item used listed among 27 ingredients, issued by Consumer Affairs Agency, Government of Japan
NOTE: Mandatory by Cabinet Office Ordinance (7 items): shrimp/prawn, crab, wheat, buckwheat, egg, milk and peanuts; Recommended by Notice (20 items): abalone, squid, salmon roe, oranges, cashew nut, kiwifruit, beef, walnuts, sesame, salmon, mackerel, soybeans, chicken, bananas, pork, “matsutake” mushrooms, peaches, yams, apples and gelatin

商品名 | お湯を注ぐだけの簡単おかゆ |
概要 |
粒感を残したタイプのお粥です。 |
原材料 | うるち米(日本国産) |
対象 |
噛む力がほとんどなく、食塊にして喉の奥に送る力や飲み込む力が弱い人 ・舌や頬の動きが鈍く、食べ物が口の中でばらけやすい ・いつまでも飲み込まずに、頬にため込む ・むせや咳き込みが多い |
容量 | 46g(23g×2食分) |
補足 |


お湯165ccを入れる。(5分粥 ふつう)

